Saturday, December 18, 2021

Brewer girls, Bangor boys win cross town swim meet

BANGOR – The Bangor High School swim and dive teams hosted Brewer in a dual meet at the Bangor YMCA pool. In the end the Brewer girls outscored the Rams 99-74 and the boys was 96-26 over the Witches.

Bangor's Kelsey Carreira takes off on her last dive of the evening. 

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Girls Individual Results

200 Yard Medley Relay
1 - Bangor, Julia Bassi, McKayla Kendall, Ginny Hunt, and Cadence Stockford, 2:05.77

2 - Brewer, Rhyannon Price, Emma Butterfield, Annabelle Lincoln, and Isabella Tanis, 2:14.81

3 - Brewer, Madelyn Bendure, McKenzie Murray, Laura Stewart, and Abigail Look, 3:01.69

200 Yard Freestyle
1 - Kendall, BGR, 2:11.15; 2, Maggie Lincoln, BREW, 2:31.40; 3, Charlee Laffey, BREW, 2:49.08; 4, Kate Busko, BGR, 2:50.29; 5, Kiera Harper, BREW, 3:01.92; 6, Zoey Smith, BGR, 3:18.89.

200 Yard IM
1 - Hunt, BGR, 2:24.76; 2, Tanis BREW, 3:04.38; 3, Hailey Bouchard, BREW, 3:13.74; 4, Julia Daries, BREW, 3:22.86.

50 Yard Freestyle 
1 - Butterfield, BREW, 27:74; 2, Julia Bassi, BGR, 28:09; 3, Abigail Lincoln, BREW, 34:53; 4, Noelani Huerth, BGR, 35:39; 5, Brooke Blue, BGR, 35:64; 6, Jessica Bendure, BREW, 46:23.

Girls 1 MTR Diving 
1, Claire Sellnow, BGR, 128.90

100 Yard Butterfly
1 - Price, BREW, 59:09; 2, Hunt, BGR, 1:02.32; 3, Daries, BREW, 1:43.66; 4, Harper, BREW, 1:49.51

100 Yard Freestyle
1 - Bassi, BGR, 1:02.88; 2, Lincoln, BREW, 1:10.25; 3, Laffey, BREW, 1:16.82; Blue, BGR, 1:19.72; 5, Stewart, BREW, 1:22.11.

500 Yard Freestyle 
1- Kendall, BGR, 5:47.23; 2, Butterfield, BREW, 6:14.29; 3, A. Lincoln, BREW, 8:03.96; 4, Katie Bryne, BREW, 8:12.67; 5, Smith, BGR, 9:18.22.

200 Freestyle Relay
1 - Brewer, M. Lincoln, Daries, Hailey Bouchard, Tanis, 2:09.62; 2, Bangor, Hailee Vafiados, Blue, Huerth, Kaitlyn Kellester, 2:21.51; 3, Brewer, Laffey, Harper, Murray, M. Bendure, 2:27.07.

100 Yard Backstroke
1 - Price, BREW, 1:00.30; 2, J. Bendure, BREW, 1:32.67; 3, Stewart, BREW, 1:32.70; 4, Vafiados, BGR, 1:46.15.

100 Yard Breaststroke
1 - Tanis, BREW, 1:36.95; 2, Busko, BGR, 1:40.58; 3, Bouchard, BREW, 1:43.01; 4, N. Huerth, BGR, 1:57.09; 5, Bryne, BREW, 1:58.37.

400 Yard Freestyle Relay
1 - Bangor, M. Kendall, J. Bassi, Stockford, Hunt, 4:11.28; 2, Brewer, Price, Butterfield, Daries, M. Lincoln, 4:27.00; 3, Brewer, Laffey, A. Lincoln, Harper, Bryne, 5:33.31.

Boy's Individual Results
200 Yard Medley Relay
1, Bangor, Noah Varisco, Brayon Nguyen, Brady Hand, Kevin Grover, 2:02.31.

2, Bangor, Connor Prouty, Jackson Haskell, Youssef El Hefnawi, Colin Karnes, 2:08.03.

3, Brewer, Nicholas Hardie, Jackson Day, Aaron Lyon, Colin Grover, 2:38.68.

200 Yard Freestyle
1, Prouty, BGR, 2:00.06; 2, Simon Socolow, BGR, 2:04.64.

200 Yard IM
1, Fritz Oldenburg, BGR, 2:15.45; 2, Brandon Nguyen, 2:28.23; 3, Lyon, BREW, 2:58.02.

50 Yard Freestyle
1, Hand, BGR, 23.06; 2, Hefnawi, BGR, 25.17; 3, Brayon Nguyen, 26.09; 4, Day, BREW, 33.40; 5, Grover, BREW, 34.70.

1 MTR Diving
1, Kia Wang, BGR, 115.00.

100 Yard Butterfly
1, Oldenburg, BGR, 59.58; 2, Socolow,  BGR, 1:05.87.

100 Yard Freestyle
1, Brandon Nguyen, BGR, 56.29; 2, Brayon Nguyen, BGR, 58:29; 3, Lyon, BREW, 1:05.90; 4, Hardie, BREW, 1:10.43.

100 Yard Backstroke
1, Varisco, BGR, 1:15.81; 2, Hardie, BREW, 1:24.66; Grover, BREW, 1:25.20; 4, Day, BREW, 1:29.70; 5, Karnes, BGR, 1:36.04; 6, Matt Morin, BGR, 139.03.

100 Yard Breaststroke
1, Prouty, BGR, 1:11.16; 2, Haskell, BGR, 1:36.26.

400 Yard Freestyle Relay
1, Bangor, Socolow, Brayon Nguyen, Hand, Oldenburg, 3:40.48.

2, Brewer, Day, Grover, Lyon, Hardie, 5:12.75.

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